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Valtické underground – visit the cellar

Návštěva vinných sklepů spojených s degustací -Valtické podzemí

Wine lovers

Group 8-250 osob to dinner 730,- CZK

(Wine tasting and buffet, sklepiér v ceně návětěvy)

Ubytování se snídaní – pension u Kostihů, Valtice á 610,- CZK


Váš odborný průvodce nejen Valtickým podzemím, but also an expert on wine and wine region – Czech Republic and the World:
Ing. George Chlebníček
Email: Tel.: +420 274 770 543
(preparation programs-tours for wine and gastronomy in the Czech Republic and all over the world, biking tours for wine and gastronomy tours)

PROGRAM Wine lovers
memorable evening Wine lovers is intended for visitors looking for entertainment and experiential learning in the evening program, out in the Moravian wine cellar, associated with the delights of wine.
Length of program:
The usual length is about 6 h
Number of persons:
8 – 250 people
The program includes:
– welcome drink
– service Sklepiéra ®
– VP walk with a drink in hand and insider commentary on the history Sklepiéra ® VP and Winery
– tasting drink 0.35 liters logo VP included the.
– tastings 8 – 10 samples of bottled wine
– drinking bottles according to the number of persons in group (0,75 l bottle per person)
– "Unlimited" consumption of cask wine *
– water in jars
Cold – total weight per person is 500 gr (does not replace a full dinner)
Standard components are cold buffet special pies, Cheese, ham, pork cracklings, cut from smoked meats, special sausages, vegetables, and., v úpravě obvyklé pro Valtické Podzemí. As Annex bread. Track buffet is influenced by seasonal availability of raw materials in South Moravia.
Večer začíná prohlídkou Podzemí se Sklepiérem® a skleničkou vína v ruce v délce cca 30 – 45 my. Followed by a guided tasting of wines bottled led Sklepiérem ® of up to 2 h, according to interest ochutnávajících. During the tasting of visitors consume cold buffet and individually seek appropriate combination of wine and food.
Návštěvníci ochutnají tolik vzorků vín ze sortimentu Valtického Podzemí (from dry wines to sweet specials), How much is a group of people. For larger groups, tastes 8 – 10 wines. Tasting consists of branded bottled, mostly attributive wines Lednice-Valtice (with the exception of wines, ice and straw).
Množství konzumovaného vína je limitované počtem osob ve skupině – How many people, many bottles of wine of 0,75 Liter!
Vína, not consumed during the evening, You can take it with them!
Doba večera stráveného v programu Milovník vína je obvyklá mezi 18,00 and 24,00 h.
After this time, the group of visitors to the premium charged for each hour spent in the basement of 500,- CZK.
* Unlimited consumption of cask wine is valid for the duration of the program.
After this time you can buy wine according to the current price list and trade. conditions.
video ukázky

Another program

Turisti I – (75,- Kč person) Tour the Sklepiérem and welcomdrinkem

Turisti II – (200 – 220,- Kč person) Special tours tasting 5 Wine and basic bite
Znalec vína – (650 – 830,- Kč person) tasting experience with unlimited consumerism bottled wine
Gourmet- (1000 – 1230,- Kč person) feast with unlimited consumerism bottled wine
Nabídka sklepního pohoštění – Permanent offer hospitality and catering services out comprehensive programs in VP

Permanent offer basement entertainment:

– Sklepiérská paštika 300 gr in omnia sklenici, special pate produced only Valtické Underground,

suitable for 2 – 3 people. Dinner 60,- CZK or 12 Tolar.
– Minoritská paštika 300 gr in omnia sklenici, special pate produced only Valtické Underground,
suitable for 2 – 3 people. Dinner 60,- CZK or 12 Tolar.
– Goose fat liver 200 gr knows sklenici. Dinner 60,- CZK or 12 Tolar.
– Bread
– Roasted almonds, Cashew nuts, Peanuts, Hazelnuts, of the day.
Refreshments to order:

No. 1. Sklepiérská pie cake / type of order can only tel. or mail / Special pate produced only Valtické Underground is served on a wooden round tray, Dinner 250,- CZK or 50 Tolar, weight about 1,2 kg, suitable as a small treat for a group 6 – 10 people.

No. 2. Sklepiérský tray 1 storey / order can only tel. or mail / consists of a cut from: smoked meats, ham, ham, sausages, Speck, cheese. Dinner 800,- CZK or 160 Tolar, suitable entertainment for 5 – 8 people.
No. 3. Sklepiérský tray 2 storey / order can only tel. or mail / consists of : ovarového knees, haggis, smoked meats, sausages, sausage, Speck. Dinner 1100,- CZK or 220 Tolar, suitable for 8 – 12 people.

No. 4. Sklepiérský tray 3 storey / order can only tel. or mail / consists of: varianta A) ovarového knees, haggis, smoked meats, sausages, sausage, Speck, Option B) smoked meats, ham, ham, sausages, Speck, cheese. Dinner 600,- CZK or 120 Tolar, suitable for 3 – 6 people.

Receptions to order (See Illustration below) You can order catering group Valticky Underground negotiated: – all kinds of banquets, weights and visage of the order can be ordered in a personal meeting with the VP spot and approval of the budget, – similar service agreement can provide catering group VP and outside Valtice.