Manuela Hotel, Cinque Terre – Vernazza
Manuela Hotel
Room, apartments, studies
parking at the hotel with restrictions – the time necessary 30 minutes, because it is a small town located in the national park Cinque Terre.
Parking around the hotel 1300 m. Free for hotel guests. Since parking is introduced shuttle service for a fee 1,5 EURO.
This family-run hotel is located in the picturesque town of Vernazza, which lies on a rocky outcropping at the sea coast.
All rooms have TV, shower,WC. Studia jsou vybavena navíc kuchyňkou.
Informace o této destinaci Cinque Terre-Vernazza here
Dinner: from 1.750,- CZK / night / person
Distance ČR (Prague) – Vernazza 1100 Km (10 hours)
Monterosso – Cinque Terre, Italy – Liguria
Cinque Terre – Monterosso (Liguria, region La Spezia, Italy)
Mimořádná územní formace Cinque Terre pěti mini regionů, u nás známá spíše pod názvem městečka Monterosso, rock is the result of pressures during several millennia. Vodní eroze zde vytvořila stovky zálivů a malých zátok. Toto území je obydlené již od dob dávno minulých. Partly for this region owes its appearance and the patient work of human hands. Jejich charakteristickým rysem jsou terasovitá pole vybudované na pobřeží jakož i neodmyslitelné skalní zdi. Zapomenutí tohoto koutu Ligurie, in which local people have fallen for the duration of the Republic of Genoa, meant saving the natural beauty and landscape preservation. Even today it is not easy to get into this area by car – the most appropriate means of transport is the train.
Vernazza – byla založena kolem roku 1000. The name is derived from the name of an old Roman family, whose slaves – after obtaining freedom, town founded. In the distant past, just Vernazza nejprosperujícejším of 5 points forming the Cinque Terre. The historic center is full of architectural gems, dominated balconies, arcades and portals. Located on a rocky outcropping along a local river, currently buried. Vernazza abounds large number of small alleys soldered steep stairs, Even as numerical defensive structures – tower houses, turret and castle Doria family – ancient symbol of economic prosperity. The port is located near the church of St. Margarety z Antiochie (Santa Margherita d'Antiochie) s 40 meter high bell tower in the form of octagonal plan.
Monterosso – is the westernmost of the towns forming the protected area of the Cinque Terre. It protects hills covered with vineyards and olives. It has beautiful beaches, crystal clear water, scenérii dominují strmé útesy. Aurorina věž, located on a hill Sv. Christopher (St. Christopher) separates the old, original medieval village from the modern part of the emerging along the beach Fegina. The old part of the city is characterized by a typical castle ruins and towering houses, úzkými středověkými uličkami. V kostele Sv. Francis (San Francesco) are preserved important works of art, whose authorship is attributed to Van Dyck. In 16. Monterosso thirteen centuries protected the tower. Up to the present time, however, for them retaining only three – castle tower, bell tower of the church of St. John (St. John) a Aurorina věž. Místní pláž je největší z pláží lokality Cinque Terre a je také turisticky nejnavštěvovanější.
CORNIGLIA – headquarters origins date back to the period of the Roman Empire. For his name is also the name of a Roman family owes, whose territory included the. Corniglia is located a few hundred meters high cliff, at the foot of the hill, from which it can be admired beauty other 4 městeček tvořících Cinque Terre. Do centra města vás dovede “Lardarina” – path consisting of 377 Steps. The second – and easier – access road is the descent from the train station.
Corniglia has the character farmhouses, z toho vyplývá i místní architektura s nízkými budovami. Stará část města se rozprostírá kolem Via Fieschi – ruins of 16. century. An important monument is the church of St. Petra – beautiful example of Gothic architecture, exceptional local.
MANAROLA – má velmi staré kořeny – was originally a Roman settlement. The name derives from the Latin “Manium Arul” – altar dedicated to the Roman god of the house, Manila. Manarola je charakteristická věžovitýma domy obranního charakteru. Je umístěna na strmém skalním útesu. Hlavní náměstí se nachází v nejvýše položené části města. Also dominates the center of the Gothic church, chapel and bell tower. Among the houses are exempt white cement pyramid – znak pro námořníky. Manarola je nejklidnějším z uvedených míst, only recently discovered by tourists. It offers easy relaxing walks – ponad celou Way of Love, která see až do Riomaggiore.
RIOMAGGIORE – is the first city on the road from La Spezia, located in the valley of the river Rivus Maior. An old legend says, that historical roots in 8. century, which is a group of Greek refugees persecuted Leo III. Isaurským found shelter. A typical tower houses, variously colored, reach a height 3 – 4 floor. They have two entrances: front and rear, which directly gives access to the upper floors. In the center of town is the church of St. John the Baptist (St. John the Baptist) Built in 1340 biskupem Lunim, chapel 16. century and the ruins of the castle 15.-16. century. V Riomaggiore začíná Via dell’Amore – walking trail through an enchanting landscape leading to the near Manarola.
More about the National Park Cinque Terre naleznete here
Accommodation: Manuela Hotel, The Beach Hotel