Basic information
IC: | 75243083 |
business name: | David Klaus |
place of business: | The Pankráci 1724/1729, 140 00 Prague-Nusle |
legal form: | 101 – Natural person doing business under the Trade Act unincorporated |
type of entity: | individual domestic |
recording the Office: | 310004 – Office of Prague 4 |
founding of the first trades: | 1.6.2009 |
HLAVNÍ činnosti: | Provozování Cestovní AgenturyPrůvodcovská činnost v oblasti cestovního ruchuPřekladatelská a tlumočnická činnostUbytovací služby SOUVISEJÍCÍ ČINNOSTI:After-school education, courses, training, activities including lecturing činnostiReklamní, marketing, media representation Photography Services Operation of, cultural, educational and entertainment facilities, organization of cultural production, pastimes, exhibitions, fairs, shows, sales and similar events. Data from the register Licensing Office HERE |
kind of trades: | Reporting loose |
emergence of license: | 1.6.2009 |
start-up: | 1.6.2009 |